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摘要: 中国特色社会政策是中国式现代化道路的重要组成部分,突破和超越 传统的社会政策模式讨论,系统性认识和评价我国的社会政策是中国式现代化研究 的关键环节。基于2003年以来社会支出数据和有关文件内容,通过对社会保护型 政策、社会投资型政策、积极就业政策、劳动力市场规制四类政策的分析,可以全 面动态地回顾过去二十多年我国社会政策的发展。分析表明,以发展谋福祉是我国 社会政策的特色理念所在。 “发展”是一以贯之的目标,以系统观念作为认识和改 造世界的基本方法论,应抓住主要矛盾带动全局,采取问题导向和渐进改革的发展 策略,在推动高质量发展过程中谋划社会政策的未来。

Abstract: Social policies with Chinese characteristics constitute an important aspect of the theory underpinning the Chinese path to modernization. The key to studying this theory lies in transcending traditional social policy models so that China’s social policies can be systematically understood and evaluated. Drawing on post2003 data and documents on social expenditure, an analysis of four policy types—social protection, social investment, active employment, and labor market regulation—provides a comprehensive and dynamic overview of China’s social policy evolution over the past two decades. The findings demonstrate that despite notable variations, social policy plans across different fields and periods, when examined within the context of the country’s macrodevelopment strategy, exhibit a purposeful and logical consistency in serving overall social development over a given timeframe. Central to China’s social policy framework is the concept of welfare through development. “Development” serves as a consistent goal, as well as the fundamental methodology for understanding and transforming the world. In navigating the broader landscape effectively, our focus should be on addressing the main contradiction, while implementing a development strategy of progressive reform with a problemsolving mindset and formulating plans for social policies within the framework of the highquality development strategy.


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