The Co-construction and Sharing of High-quality Elementary Education Resources in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Region
摘要: 实现京津冀基础教育优质资源共建共享是实现区域教育优质均衡发展的政策要求和关键路径。通过对域内26所中小学、幼儿园的1782位校长教师的实证研究发现,京津冀基础教育优质资源供给多样,覆盖教师的多元需求,形成自助式、套餐式、参与式、体验式、定制式、重塑式、建构式七种建享模式,教师、学生、学校均在建享中获得赋能,“先强”-“后强”-“共强”的建享推进机制可行,建享总体满意度和资源匹配度超70%。建享满意度受参与度、供需匹配度和政策支持的显著影响,成效评价存在职称、教龄、学段、学历和区域差异,建议从细化资源供给学科颗粒度、提升资源供给分群体匹配度、加强数智赋能、完善监测评估机制和优化协同开源创享体系方面优化建享成效。
Abstract: The realization of the co-construction and sharing of high-quality educational resources in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is a policy requirement and key pathway to achieve balanced and high-quality regional education development. Based on the survey of 1782 principals and teachers from 26 primary and secondary schools, as well as kindergartens in the region,it is found that there are seven sharing modes: self-service, set-menu, participatory, experiential, customized, reshaping, and constructive, catering to diverse needs. Teachers, students and schools benefit from sharing, and the mechanism of "strengthen-first leads strengthen-later, then realize strengthen-together" is viable. Overall satisfaction and resource matching exceed 70%. Satisfaction is significantly influenced by participation, supply-demand matching, and policy support, with differences in effectiveness evaluation based on title, teaching experience, educational level, and region. Recommendations include refining the granularity of subject-specific resource supply, enhancing group matching of resource supply, strengthening digital empowerment, improving monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, and optimizing collaborative open-source development and sharing system.
[V1] | 2024-07-19 11:40:59 | PSSXiv:202407.00660V1 | 下载全文 |
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