摘要: 通过中国官方公布的统计数据所显示的南北地区2010年代以来经济差距急剧扩大的事实,可以提出一个基于创新体制差异的解释逻辑:南北地区创新体制及其演变决定了南北创新能力及其相对变化,而创新能力及其相对变化又决定了南北经济增长速度和质量及其变化。统计分析发现,中国总体创新能力从1985—2018年经历了由北强南弱到南强北弱转变的几个重要特征事实;从理论逻辑上揭示南北地区创新体制及其演变的异质性决定南北创新能力及其演变的差异:由于北方偏向于计划推动型创新体制、相对难以适应国家整个经济体制和科技创新体制向市场体制转轨,而南方刚好相反,从而决定了南方创新能力的由弱变强。具体提出七个解释创新体制及其演变影响创新能力的理论假说,从理论上解释了:为什么北方地区更偏好和更受制于计划推动型创新、而南方更容易接受和更偏好市场引导型创新,以及南北地区创新能力和创新效率相对变化根源于创新的体制基础及其演变。实证研究进一步验证了上述分析。
Abstract: Based on official statistics showing a significant widening of the economic gap between China’s northern and southern regions since the 2010s,this paper proposes a novel explanation rooted in the differences in innovation systems.This study argues that the distinct innovation systems and their evolution in the North and South determine the innovation capacities and their relative changes,which in turn affect the speed and quality of economic growth in these regions.Statistical analysis reveals a shift in China’s overall innovation capacity from being stronger in the North to stronger in the South between 1985 and 2018.Theoretically,this paper explores how the heterogeneity in innovation systems and their evolution has led to this divergence: the North’s preference for a state-driven innovation system has made it less adaptable to the market-oriented transition,while the South,favoring a market-driven approach,has seen its innovation capacity strengthen.This paper presents seven theoretical hypotheses explaining how differences in innovation systems impact innovation capacity,why the North favors state-driven innovation and the South market-driven innovation,and how these preferences have shaped their respective innovation capacities and efficiencies over time.Empirical analysis further supports these hypotheses.
[V1] | 2024-11-07 14:29:44 | PSSXiv:202411.00652V1 | 下载全文 |
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