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Characteristics,Transmission Mechanisms and Development Path Optimization of the Regional Coordination Network

摘要: 文章基于周期协调视角构建了区域协调网络,运用融合社会网络分析、ERGM模型及路径模拟方法探究了网络特征、传导机制及发展路径优化问题。研究发现:①网络特征方面,我国区域协调水平波动上升,呈现关系“南密北疏”、速度“南快北慢”的格局;京津冀等传递型城市群侧重“先富带动后富”的非均衡发展模式,珠三角等互动型城市群侧重“互惠互利”的均衡发展模式。②传导机制方面,行政区划作用优于经济区划,中央垂直治理优于地方分散治理,生产、投资及消费联动“以高带低”地促进协调互补。③发展路径优化方面,“供需互促的循环联动路径”具有长期持续性,“中心城市的引领发展路径”的先发优势较强,两者结合进一步提升稳定性;“城市群的载体依托路径”以群际层面的平台支撑作用为主,群内作用较弱。

Abstract: Based on the perspective of cycle coordination,this paper constructs the regional coordination network and explores its characteristics,transmission mechanisms,and development path optimization using the methods of social network analysis,ERGM model,and path simulation. The results show that: 1) In terms of the network characteristics,the overall level of regional coordination fluctuates and shows the relation pattern of "dense in the south of China and sparse in the north of China" and "fast in the south of China and slow in the north of China". The transmission-type urban agglomerations such as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration focus on the unbalanced development model of "wealth first drives wealth later",while the interactive urban agglomerations such as the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration focus on the balanced development model of "mutual benefit". 2) In terms of the transmission mechanisms,the role of administrative divisions is superior to that of economic divisions,and the central vertical governance is superior to local decentralized governance. The linkage of production,investment,and consumption promotes coordination in a "high to low" manner. 3) In terms of the development path,the long-term sustainability of "circular path linked by supply and demand interaction" is good,and the early advantage of "development path led by central cities" is strong. After combining the two,their stability is comprehensively improved. "Carrier path supported by urban agglomerations" mainly serves as a platform support at inter-group level,with weaker intra-group effects.


[V1] 2024-07-26 17:01:30 PSSXiv:202408.00657V1 下载全文
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