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Truth and lies: US government’s information disclosure mechanisms during the Love Canal incident

摘要: 20世纪70年代发生在纽约州尼亚拉加瀑布城的拉夫运河事件是美国史上一场影响深远的化学污染泄露事件,其处理进程一直延续到21世纪初。一般而言,在环境危机事件中,政府于法于理均应采取积极的信息公开机制以贯彻其职能。然而,面对沉重的媒体和民众的舆论压力,美国政府采取了特定的信息发布策略以进行舆论引导从而减少行政阻力、获得更高的支持率。事实证明,以这种“部分的真相”建构而成的认知误区,对民众心理、社会舆论、决策执行等产生了巨大影响,其效果不仅使美国政府有效解决了危机前期的环境危机和社会问题,也提前完成了对拉夫运河地区的修复与安置工作。本文将从信息公开机制的视角下重新审视拉夫运河事件,一窥美国政府政治虚伪与欺骗的真实一面,并综合该事件中民众-媒体端及政府端运作的被动和无力的原因,从监督机制、制度运作、权利优化、信息阐释、环境教育以及行政与司法间的关系调整五个方面提出相应的应对之策。

Abstract: The Love Canal incident in Niagara Falls, New York, in the 1970s was a far-reaching chemical spill in US history, the resolution process of which continued into the early 21st century. Generally speaking, during an environmental crisis, the government is legally and logically required to adopt a proactive information disclosure mechanism to effectively carry out its functions. However, in the face of heavy pressure from the media and public opinion, the US government adopted specific information dissemination strategies to guide public opinion in order to reduce administrative resistance and maintain its approval ratings. This mechanism, which is full of lies, has proved to have a great impact on the psychology of the people, public opinion and implementation of decisions, and its effect has not only enabled the US government to effectively solve the environmental crisis and social problems in the early stages of the crisis, but also to complete the restoration and resettlement of the Love Canal site ahead of schedule. This paper will re-examine the Love Canal incident from the perspective of information disclosure, and combine other factors to get a glimpse of the truth of the hypocrisy and deception that characterises US government and politics, , and to synthesize the reasons for the passivity and powerlessness of the people, the media and the government in this incident, and to propose corresponding responses in five aspects: monitoring mechanism, system operation, rights optimization, information interpretation, environmental education and the adjustment of the relationship between the administration and the judiciary.


[V1] 2024-09-19 17:25:34 PSSXiv:202409.01588V1 下载全文
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