摘要: “通往有趣时代之路”作为四川美术学院“重庆市高校国际化人文特色建设项目”,是学院围绕“一带一路”沿线国家艺术交流与合作平台
Abstract: “The Road Guided to Interesting Times”, as “Chongqing Universities’ Internationalization Humanistic Construction Project”, is the key academic exchange activity that is carried out by the countries along the Belt and Road’s platform of artistic communication and cooperation, and the first Chinese art exhibition since the foundation of National Library of St Mark’s 550 years ago. Communication diversifies culture, while the mutual absorption enriches it. This exhibition aims to demonstrate the innovative
achievements of Chinese culture with the spirit of the time, and promote the cultural communication and mutual absorption between China and Italy.
[V1] | 2024-10-16 17:03:55 | PSSXiv:202410.02657V1 | 下载全文 |
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