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庭审直播 “以公开促公正” 的限度——兼论全景敞视主义的应用边界


摘要: 庭审直播常被视作全景敞视主义的一种现实应用,能以公开促公正。但也有研究者对此表示质疑。从庭审直播与某些审判不公的互动实践切入,有助于更现实地看待该问题,并对全景敞视主义的应用边界进行反思。首先,庭审直播对于提升法官的能力助益不大,无法应对因法官未能把握复杂案件而产生的能力型审判不公。其次,面对主观恶性大且多发生在庭审之外的操守型审判不公时,庭审直播不仅很难对其予以观测,而且还容易导致不公行为向监督视野外逃逸。再次,一些不法者有可能会在庭审直播现场进行“合法性表演”,以此来掩盖不法行为。最后,庭审直播可能造成的寒蝉效应,会降低庭审参与人的能动性,增大审案难度。因此,只有排除上述场景,庭审直播才能以公开促公正。这也证明了,全景敞视主义的具体应用,会因全景的有界性、虚假景观的迷惑性、被凝视者“意识-行动”的不同步性,而难以发挥原先预期的理想效果。

Abstract: In judicial practice, live broadcasts of court hearing are considered to improve fairness at trials. Howev-er, existing researches, whether in favor of or against this view, basically ignore analyses of the practice olunfair trials. In fact, most of them only study this problem from live broadcasts of court hearing’s institutionafunction. In practice, unfair trials can be divided into two types: ability type and integrity type. Among them,when judges’ case handling ability is not enough to fully grasp individual complex cases, unfair trials of abili-ty type will appear. In this case, it is hard to solve such unfair trials because live bradcasts of court hearingdo little to improve judges’ abilities. At the same time, due to most unfair trials of integrity type occur outsidethe court hearing process, it is also diflicult to find and reduce such injustices in live broadcasts. What’smore, implementers of unfair trials frequently treat the live broadcast as a show to create their legitimaey. Thechilling elfeet caused by live broadcasts of court hearing also reduces the initiative of trial participants andmake it more diflicult for judges to hear cases. To sum up, live broadcasts of court hearing hardly can im-prove fairness at trials. This also means that the panopsticism behind them has a boundary of effectiveness.


[V1] 2024-04-10 16:45:54 PSSXiv:202404.00046V1 下载全文
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