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摘要: 环境司法服务乡村生态振兴构成一个显性议题。《宪法》新发展理念以及生态环境国家目标任务对司法权履行乡村环境治理职责提供了规范依据。中国党政体制形塑之下的环境司法具有特殊回应机能,在实现环境正义的同时能够产生治理叠加效应。体制变革之后的国家检察机关能够有效承接立法权、有机整合行政权和有序对接审判权,在制约行政权方面凸显出不同于法院审判权的特殊意涵,实现了“行政主治”与“司法督促”的良性互动。检察机关通过发挥政府履职的承接者和监督者、条块联动协调者、多元参与组织者、治理机制稳定器等功能,消解政府主导乡村环境治理机制的牴牾、缺位、僵化,赋予环境司法服务乡村生态振兴新的内涵。同时,环境司法服务乡村生态振兴也存在着过度扩张、忽略过程监督、政治俘获和过度竞赛等风险,需要采取措施予以应对。

Abstract: Environmental justice in service of rural ecological revitalization is a prominent topic. The new development concept of the Constitution and the ecological national goals and tasks provide a normative basis for exerting the judicial power to execute the responsibility in rural environmental governance. Environmental justice under China’s party-government system has a special responsive function, which has an overlay effect on governance while realizing environmental justice. After the system reform, the national procuratorial organs can effectively take over the legislative power, organically integrate the administrative power and orderly connect the judicial power. They highlight the distinctive connotation from the judicial power of the court in restraining administrative power, and realize the interaction between the “administrative governance” and the “judicial supervision”. The procuratorial organs play their roles as supervisors of government performance, coordinators of linkage and sectors, organizers of diverse participation, and stabilizers of governance mechanisms, to eliminate the contradictions, absences and rigidity in the rural environmental governance led by government, and instill new connotations into the environmental justice in service of rural ecological revitalization. Meanwhile, there are also risks of over-expansion, neglect of process supervision, political capture and excessive competition, which demand countermeasures to deal with.


[V1] 2024-04-26 15:21:17 PSSXiv:202405.00225V1 下载全文
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