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Theories, Methods and Developmental Challenges to Literary Computing—Interview with Dr. Liu Yang

摘要: 文学计算旨在探索如何利用大规模文本数据和计算机技术解读文学作品,是数字人文的重要分支领域,而在当下中文学界,高质量的研究仍然稀少。文章是对该领域的前沿学者——重庆大学中文系副教授刘洋博士的访谈,探讨内容包括算法批判、文学概念的量化、技术与传统文学研究结合的路径与障碍、数字工具与文学创作、数字人文教育的理想模式、未来的文学形态等。刘洋博士认为,文学作品解读虽具有主观性,但背后仍存在客观规律,任何文学概念都是可以量化的,需要的只是更精细的处理,应致力于将从其他领域迁移而来的技术与传统文学批评和文论结合起来。这其中最大的障碍并非技术难以掌握,而是文理科之间的巨大隔阂和研究者视野的局限。未来,文学计算与传统方法将逐渐融合,数字人文这类跨学科研究也将逐渐从相对边缘和非主流的状态走向主流。

Abstract: Literary Computing aims to explore the utilization of large-scale textual data and computer technology for interpreting literary works. It represents a crucial subfield within the realm of digital humanities. However, high-quality research in this field remains relatively scarce within the current Chinese literary community. This article presents an interview with Dr. Liu Yang, an associate professor in the Chinese Department at Chongqing University and a leading scholar in this domain. The discussion covers algorithm criticism, quantification of literary concepts, the integration of technology with traditional literary research, digital tools in literary creation, ideal models for digital humanities education, and the future forms of literature. Dr. Liu Yang argues that while the interpretation of literary works may be subjective, there are underlying objective patterns present. Any literary concept can be quantified; what is needed is a more nuanced approach. It is essential to strive towards integrating techniques from other fields with traditional literary criticism and literary theory. The greatest barrier in this endeavor lies not in the mastery of technology but in the significant gap between the arts and sciences, as well as the limitations of researchers’ perspectives. In the future, the integration of literary computing and traditional methods will gradually occur, and interdisciplinary studies such as digital humanities will transition from a relatively marginal and non-mainstream status to becoming mainstream.


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