摘要: 文明的发展同知识体系的建构和转换几乎是同步的。中国经过短短的 几十年就走出了中国式现代化道路,开创了人类文明新形态。因而,一种全新的知 识体系即中国自主的知识体系的建构就成为时代发展的内在需要。中国自主的知识 体系必须以回答中国问题为逻辑起点,以运用中国素材为内容支撑,以表达中国立 场为方向指引。中国自主知识体系具有本土性、独立性、集成性、稳定性、开放性 的特征。加快建构中国自主的知识体系,要深刻领悟 “两个确立”,坚持 “两个结 合”,着眼 “两个大局”,答好 “四个之问”,唯有如此才能使中国特色哲学社会科 学真正屹立于世界学术之林。
Abstract: The development of civilization is closely intertwined with the construction and transformation of knowledge systems. Over the past few decades, China has embarked on the Chinese path to modernization, forging a new form of human civilization. This has necessitated the establishment of a new knowledge system, one that is distinctively Chinese and independent. An independent knowledge system in China must begin with addressing Chinese issues as its logical starting point, be supported by the utilization of Chinese materials, and be guided by the expression of Chinese perspectives. It should be characterized by its indigeneity, independence, integration, stability, and openness. To accelerate the construction of China’s independent knowledge system, it is essential to adhere to the “two integrations,” focus on the “two factors,” and answer the questions of China, of the world, of the people and of the times.
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