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摘要: 在文旅融合时代背景下,开展研学旅行服务成为综合档案馆工作中的全新课题。文章对我国综合档案馆开 展研学旅行的相关研究成果进行梳理,采用网络调查法、访谈法对长沙市档案馆研学旅行服务展开研究,归纳其研学旅 行服务的成效:使馆藏资源得到更为充分的利用、发挥了档案馆文化育人的社会功能、满足了青少年的精神文化需求; 剖析其存在的不足:研学服务的内容和层次有待丰富、研学服务资源配置有待完善、馆校合作模式有待深入;提出从丰 富服务内容、完善研学资源配置、扩展馆校合作模式等方面深化档案馆研学旅行服务。

Abstract: Under the background of the integration of culture and tourism, carrying out research travel service has become a new topic in the work of comprehensive archives. Sorting out relevant research results of the research travel carried out by the comprehensive archives in China by using the methods of network survey and interview, this paper studies the research travel service of Changsha archives, and summarizes the results of its research study travel service: the collection resources of the Changsha Archives have been more fully utilized; the social function of Archives' cultural education has been brought into play; and the spiritual and cultural needs of teenagers have been met. The downsides are also included: the contents and levels of research study service need to be enriched; the allocation of research study service resources needs to be improved; and the cooperation mode between archives and schools needs to be deepened. It thus proposes to deepen the research study travel service of archives from the aspects of enriching the service content, improving the allocation of research resources, and expanding the cooperation mode between archives and schools.


[V1] 2024-07-23 16:08:25 PSSXiv:202407.00825V1 下载全文
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