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Coordinating and Reshaping: Orientations of the Interaction between Physical Space and Virtual Space for Urban Public Reading

摘要: 在数字化背景下,城市公共阅读空间的传统阅读环境持续遭遇网络与数字化升级的挑战,继而在物理空间和虚拟空间的交互协同中寻求转型和创新,通过塑造新型公共阅读空间为市民阅读提供新的感知体验和阅读想象。在城市公共阅读空间虚实交互的实践中,物理空间通过融入虚拟呈现,使得两种空间的相遇,叠加凝聚时尚感,推动公共阅读空间向生活美学空间转型;人工智能的线下应用以科技赋能的方式助推城市公共阅读空间的智慧建设;阅读场景的双重交织促生沉浸式阅读,强化阅读内容的立体感和读者在场感;阅读共同体社群的联结点从“地缘”“趣缘”延伸到相近的生活方式,从而激发阅读新感受。通过维护阅读价值,探寻阅读空间中人体延伸的意义和目标,以及促使两种空间从共存演化为“共美好”,将有助于实现城市公共阅读空间构建的规则重塑。

Abstract:  In the context of digitalization, the traditional reading environment of urban public reading spaces continues 
to face challenges from network upgrading and the needs to seek transformation and innovation in the interaction 
and coordination of physical and virtual reading spaces, shaping new public reading spaces to provide citizens with 
fresh perceptual experiences and reading imagination. In the practical interactions between physical and virtual 
spaces in urban public reading areas, the integration of virtual elements into physical spaces creates a convergence 
of the two spaces, fostering a sense of fashion and driving the transformation of public reading spaces into spaces of lifestyle aesthetics. The offl ine application of artifi cial intelligence empowers the smart development of urban public reading spaces through technology. The intertwining of reading scenarios promotes immersive reading experiences, enhancing the three-dimensional quality of reading content and reader engagement. Reading communities expand from "geographical" and "interest-based" connections to integrating similar "lifestyles", thereby sparking new reading experiences. By upholding the value of reading, exploring the signifi cance of human extension within reading spaces, as well as promoting the coevolution and coexistence of the two spaces into "a shared-beautiful-community", it is possible to contribute to the reshaping of the rules governing the construction of urban public reading spaces.


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