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Hate Politics in South Korea: Manifestations, Causes, and Effects

摘要: 仇恨政治是韩国政治的癌症,是理解韩国政治的金钥匙,韩国的仇恨政治不仅具有对抗性民主国家政治极化的普遍特征,更呈现出其独有特质。仇恨政治弥漫于韩国政治的每一个细胞,不仅政党之间的政治对立愈来愈严重,政党恶斗不止,而且整个韩国社会的政治分裂趋势也愈加明显,民众极端的政治表达现象层出不穷。韩国仇恨的原因极其多元化,既有“恨文化与兴尽文化”的文化基因,又有国民性缺陷自带的心理诱因;既有内嵌仇恨政治成分的政治体制的制度原因,也有社会矛盾高度政治化的社会根源。仇恨政治贻害无穷,让韩国两派政治势力不仅没有精力解决国内矛盾,也无法理性处理与邻国关系问题,无法摆脱棋子的命运,更无法改良有缺陷的国民性,找不到破解内卷的方法,更难找到国家发展的准确定位。

Abstract: Abstract: Hate politics is the cancer of South Korean politics and the golden key to understanding South Korean politics. The politics of hatred permeates every cell of South Korean politics, and not only is the political antagonism between political parties becoming more and more serious, and the political divisions of the entire Korean society are also becoming more and more obvious, and the phenomenon of extreme political expression among the people is emerging one after another. The causes of hatred in South Korea are extremely diverse, including the cultural genes of "hatred culture and the culture of exhaustion", the psychological inducements inherent in the defects of the national character, the institutional reasons of the political system with the political elements of hatred, and the social roots of highly politicized social contradictions. The politics of hatred is infinitely harmful, so that the two political forces in South Korea not only have no energy to resolve domestic contradictions, but also cannot rationally handle the problem of relations with neighboring countries, cannot get rid of the fate of chess pieces, and cannot improve the flawed national character, cannot find a way to crack the involution, and it is even more difficult to find an accurate positioning for the country’s development.


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