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The Conceptual History of "Reading for All" in the Triple Context of Knowledge Construction, Institutional Evolution and Civilization Integration

摘要: 文章对知识建构、制度演进、文明交融三重脉络中的“全民阅读”概念史予以深度考析。通过研究,有三 方面发现:其一,在出版学“意义之网”中,“全民阅读”是一个连接诸多节点的重要纽带,这一标识性概念反映 了中国的经验和价值,具有特定的中国内涵,为出版学知识体系提供了新的知识增量;其二,“全民阅读”概念的 “制度化”进程,折射了当代中国社会转型期探索经验和社会理念、文化生态之变化,体现了“全民阅读”概念在 中国经历的政策化乃至观念化的过程;其三,“全民阅读”是一个已经在中国社会被普遍接受并形成相当话语力 量、反映本土经验和价值、深入社会大众日常生活的标识性概念。归纳而言,这一概念具有三方面的特征:兼具国 际性和本土化两重属性;立足本土实践经验,反映本土社会事实;根植本土阅读文化,反映本土阅读价值观念。

Abstract: The paper provides an in-depth examination of the conceptual history of "reading for all" in the triple context of knowledge construction, institutional evolution, and cultural integration. Based on the research, three conclusions have been drawn. Firstly, in the "web of meaning" of publishing studies, "reading for all" is an important link connecting many nodes. This iconic concept, with specifi c Chinese connotations, refl ects China's experience and value, providing new knowledge increments for the knowledge system of publishing studies. Secondly, the institutionalization process of the concept of "reading for all" , refl ects the exploration experience and changes in social concepts and cultural ecology during the transitional period of contemporary Chinese society, refl ecting the policy and even conceptual process of the concept of "reading for all" in China. Thirdly, nationwide reading is a symbolic concept that has been widely accepted and formed a considerable discourse power in Chinese society, which fully refl ects local experiences and values and deeply penetrates into the daily lives of the general public. This concept has three characteristics: both international and local attributes; refl ecting local social facts on the basis of local practical experience; being rooted in local reading culture and refl ecting local reading values.


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