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中国古代鱼鳞图册多元化主体跨学科研究评析 ——基于档案学与人文社会科学科学学的多学科交叉融合研究视角


An Interdisciplinary Research Analysis of Diversified Subjects in Ancient Chinese Fish Scale Atlas: Based on the Multidisciplinary Research Perspective of Archival Science and Humanities and Social Sciences

摘要:      鱼鳞图册自宋朝产生以来一直作为官方地籍管理的主流制度延续至清朝。且其内涵伴随国家政权的更迭不断变化、丰富,产生的相关籍册数量巨大,遗存至今的数目也相当可观。鱼鳞图册问题涉及多个学术领域,相关研究也比较成熟。聚焦档案学、历史学、经济学、社会学共四个学术领域关于鱼鳞图册的研究成果,通过对不同学科的作者主体、研究内容及价值取向、研究范式等进行多角度对比分析,总结各个领域对于鱼鳞图册研究的异同,既对该问题的研究进行总结,更以此为典型,发现一些跨学科事物学术研究的规律,同时与明清制度史等研究相佐证,多学科对于鱼鳞图册的共研使得其价值得到了全面的展现并说明。此外,以鱼鳞图册为媒,说明档案学、历史学、经济学、社会学等学科具有较强的学科渗透性、包容性。

Abstract:       Since the emergence of the Song Dynasty, the fish scale atlas has been the mainstream system of official cadastral management until the Qing Dynasty. Moreover, its connotation is constantly changing and enriching with the change of state power, and the number of relevant registers produced is huge, and the number of relics that have survived to this day is also considerable. The problem of fish scale atlas involves many academic fields, and the related research is relatively mature. Focusing on the research results of the fish scale atlas in thacademic fields of archival science, history, economics and sociology, this paper summarizes the similarities and differences between the research of the fish scale atlas in various fields through the comparative analysis of the authors, research contents, value orientations, and research paradigms of different disciplines. The multidisciplinary joint research on the fish scale atlas has made its value fully demonstrated and explained. In addition, the fish scale atlas is used as a medium to show that archival science, history, economics, sociology and other disciplines have strong disciplinary penetration and inclusiveness


[V1] 2024-09-18 02:18:43 PSSXiv:202409.01327V1 下载全文
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