摘要: 侯外庐先生通过研究中国古代历史,对马克思的亚细亚生产方式作出合理的解读,指出中国古代走了 “家族—国家”的维新路线,与西方古代 “家族—私产—国家”的路线不同,并对维新路线下的中国古代社会作了分析、说明,将中国的历史实际与马克思主义基本原理相结合,用中国的材料去丰富和发展马克思主义历史理论,具有方法论的意义。侯外庐指出封建社会前期,具有统治地位的是封建土地国有制,提出要区分所有权、占有权和使用权,将地主阶级分为皇族地主、豪族地主和庶族地主。封建社会后期,明清之际江南等地区出现了资本主义萌芽,在思想领域则出现了早期启蒙思潮,马克思的社会发展理论同样适用于中国社会,需要从普遍性和特殊性的角度对中国历史发展作出总结和探索。
Abstract: Hou Wailu’s scholarly endeavors in ancient Chinese history have led to a nuanced interpretation of Marx’s Asiatic mode of production. He delineated a distinct “familystate” reform trajectory for ancient China, contrasting with the Western “familyprivate propertystate” pathway. Analyzing and explaining societal structures under this reformist lens, Hou connected China’s historical context with Marxism. This integration not only enriched Marxist historical theory with Chinese empirical data but also bore methodological significance. Hou underscored the preeminence of stateowned feudal land in early feudal society and advocated for a clear demarcation between ownership rights, possession rights, and usage rights within the landlord class—categorized into royal landlords, noble landlords, and commoner landlords. The late stages of feudal society, during the Ming and Qing dynasties, witnessed nascent capitalist elements in regions like Jiangnan, alongside burgeoning Enlightenment thought. Hou affirmed the applicability of Marx’s social development theory to Chinese society, advocating for an analytical summation and exploration that embraces both its universalities and particularities.
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