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A Multidimensional Analysis of the Discourse System for Fostering a Strong Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation

摘要: 铸牢中华民族共同体意识是新时代民族理论的标志性成果和民族工作的核心主线,具有引领导向作用。在理论丰富和实践推进中围绕铸牢中华民族共同体意识产生若干知识场域,形成学理性深厚、原创性突出、政治属性坚定、实践导向鲜明的铸牢中华民族共同体意识话语体系。作为马克思主义民族理论中国化时代化的最新成果,“新”是理解铸牢中华民族共同体意识的关键所在。在话语体系中,“新”表现为语词凝练、理念深化、范式转换的概念之新,由中华民族共同体与中华民族共同体意识、差异性与共同性、传统与现代共同构成的范畴之新,以及系统陈述、意蕴丰厚、有效传播的表述之新,充分彰显了铸牢中华民族共同体意识的时代特征与中国价值。

Abstract: Fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation is a landmark achievement of the ethnicity theory and the core of main task for the ethnic work in the new era with a leading and guiding role. In the course of theoretical enrichment and practical advancement, a number of intellectual fields have been
generated around the fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation,forming a discourse system of fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation that is profound in doctrine, prominent in originality,firm in political attributes,and distinctive in practical orientation. As the latest achievement of Marxist ethnicity theories to the Chinese context and the needs of the times,“new”is the key to understanding the importance of fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. In the discourse system,“new” is manifested in the new concepts of condensation of terms,deepening of concepts,and paradigm shift,in the new categories jointly composed of Chinese national community and the sense of community for the Chinese nation,commonality and diversity,tradition and modernity,as well as in the new expressions of systematic presentation, richness of meaning, and effective dissemination, all of which have fully demonstrated the contemporary characteristics and Chinese value of fostering a strong sense of community for Chinese nation.


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