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On the Formation Process and Theoretical Contribution of Mao Zedong’s Journalistic Thoughts: Commemorating the 130th Anniversary of Mao Zedong’s Birth

摘要: 在长达半个多世纪的岁月里,毛泽东将马克思列宁主义新闻思想同中国革命斗争实践 和新闻宣传实践有机结合,创造性地提出了一系列新闻观点,形成了毛泽东新闻思想。毛泽东新闻思想的形成过程大致经历了建党前后和大革命时期孕育萌发、土地革命时期探索 积累、全面抗战时期丰富提升、解放战争时期深化成熟和新中国成立以后总结完善五个历史阶段。毛泽东新闻思想的形成发展为奠定中国共产党新闻思想理论基础,引领中国共产 党新闻事业发展道路,开创马克思主义新闻观中国化历史进程,作出了巨大理论贡献,在 中国共产党新闻思想史上有着重要历史地位。在中国式现代化背景下,学习和重温毛泽东新闻思想,对于我们进一步推动马克思主义新闻观中国化时代化,构建中国特色新闻学科 学体系有着重要意义。

Abstract: Over a period of more than half a century, Mao Zedong combined Marx, Leninist journalism thoughts with the practice of the Chinese revolutionary struggle and news dissemination, creatively proposing a series of journalistic viewpoints that formed Mao Zedong’s journalistic thoughts. The formation process of Mao Zedong’s journalistic thoughts roughly underwent five historical stages: gestation and emergence before and after the founding of the CPC and during the Great Revolution, exploration and accumulation during the Agrarian Revolutionary War period, enrichment and enhancement during the Comprehensive Anti, Japanese War period, deepening and maturity during the Liberation War period, and summary and improvement after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The formation and development of Mao Zedong’s journalistic thoughts have made great theoretical contributions to establishing the theoretical foundation of the CPC’s journalistic thoughts, leading the development path of the CPC’s journalism, and initiating the historical process of Sinicization of Marxist journalistic viewpoints. Mao Zedong’s journalistic thoughts occupy an important position in the history of CPC’s journalistic thoughts.In the context of Chinese modernization, learning and reviewing Mao Zedong’s journalistic thoughts is of great significance for us to further adapt Marxist journalistic viewpoints to the Chinese context and the needs of our times, and construct the scientific journalism knowledge system with Chinese characteristics.


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