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摘要: 近代诗中的黄河书写呈现出不同于古代书写的新事物、新理念、新精神,从审美取向来看,一扫前朝的纤弱之态,表现出高瞻豪健的美学旨趣,展示了一代士人自作主宰的创造意识;面对近代黄河灾难频发和清王朝治河制度的弱化,文化精英们揭示现实问题、探究治理策略,将政治感受、变革理念融入黄河书写中,表现出文以致治的创作精神;基于西风东渐和救亡图存的时代背景,他们借助黄河书写救国之志、爱国热忱以及中华自信,推进黄河作为文化符号的建构,彰显了黄河文明的精神价值。近代黄河诗篇有力拓宽了文学的题材内容,折射出晚清民初时局下黄河书写对政治的介入和对文化的建构,表达了近代语境下中国知识分子的思想引领、精神取向与审美选择。

Abstract: The writing of the Yellow River in modern poetry presents new phenomena, new concepts, and new spirits that are different from ancient writing. From the perspective of aesthetic orientation, sweeping away the delicate state of the previous dynasty, it reveals a majestic aesthetic interest and showcases the creative consciousness of a generation of scholars who are selfdominated. Faced with the frequent disasters of the Yellow River in modern times and the weakening of the Qing Dynasty’s river governance system, cultural elites have revealed practical problems, explored governance strategies, integrated political feelings and change concepts into the writing of the Yellow River, and demonstrated the creative spirit of literary politicization.Based on the historical background of the spread of Western influences to the East and the survival of the nation, they used the Yellow River to write their ambition to save the country, patriotic enthusiasm, and Chinese confidence, promoting the construction of the Yellow River as a cultural symbol, and demonstrating the spiritual value of the Yellow River civilization. The modern Yellow River poetry has effectively expanded the subject matter content of literature, reflecting the political intervention and cultural construction of the Yellow River writing in the context of modern times, and expressing the ideological guidance,spiritual orientation, and aesthetic choices of Chinese intellectuals in the modern context.


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