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摘要: 行业中文教育在服务我国与“一带一路”沿线国家经贸合作方面发挥着重要作用。东南亚作为“一带一路”建设的重要节点区域,该地区的行业中文教育研究显得尤为重要。东南亚行业中文教育的显著特点表现为培养机构呈现校际、校企、政校企三种联动模式,中方协助推动建设双师型师资队伍,教学资源具有国别差异性特点,授课内容与方式紧贴社会需求;然而,该区域行业中文教育存在校企联动模式落实困难、双师型师资欠缺、教学资源不能满足行业需求等问题。中方应协同东南亚各国打通政府、学校、企业之间的合作渠道,构建行业中文教育高质量发展的联动模式;拓宽行业中文双师型师资来源渠道,协同制定双师型师资专业能力标准;共建共享行业中文教育资源,应用人工智能助力行业中文数字教学资源的研发;制定行业中文课程参考标准。

Abstract: Research on the Current Status,Characteristics and Development Strategies of Professional Chinese Education in Southeast Asia Zeng Xiao yan Professional Chinese education plays a significant role in supporting the economic and trade cooperation between China and the countries along the “Belt and Road” initiative. Southeast Asia, as a crucial node in the construction of the “Belt and Road”,makes the research on Professional Chinese education in this region particularly important. Professional Chinese education in Southeast Asia is characterized by diverse collaborative models among training institutions (inter-school, school-enterprise,government-school-enterprise), with Chinese support in developing a dual-qualified teaching staff, educational resources that reflect national differences, and course content and methods closely aligned with societal needs. However, there are challenges such as difficulties in implementing school-enterprise collaboration models, a shortage of dual-qualified teachers, and educational resources not meeting industry demands. China should collaborate with Southeast Asian countries to open up channels of cooperation between governments, schools, and enterprises, establishing a linkage model for the high-quality development of Professional Chinese education; expand the sources of dual-qualified Professional Chinese teaching staff, and jointly develop professional competency standards for such teachers; co-create and share Professional Chinese educational resources, utilizing artificial intelligence to support the development of digital teaching resources for Professional Chinese; and establish reference standards for Professional Chinese courses.


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