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我国农村老年人居住方式与膳食质量 ——基于双向代际互动视角


Living Arrangement and Dietary Quality of the Rural Elderly in China ——Based on the Perspective of Intergenerational Interaction

摘要: 当前我国农村地区老年人独立居住现象普遍,膳食质量低下问题突出。文章基于2020年“中国乡村振兴综合调查(CRRS)数据库”数据,通过构建双向代际互动模型,从理论和实证角度分析不同的居住方式对农村老年人膳食质量的影响。实证结果表明:居住方式对农村老年人的膳食质量具有显著影响,与独立居住相比,与成年子女合住降低了农村老年人的膳食质量。使用工具变量对内生性问题进行控制和检验后,结果依然稳健。其影响机制可以从亲代和子代间的双向代际互动加以解释,合住家庭中的代际倾斜甚至“代际剥削”是造成农村老年人膳食质量降低的重要原因。异质性分析表明,独立居住更能够提升低龄、与配偶同住的农村男性老年人的膳食质量。为此,应有针对性地保障和提高不同居住方式下农村老年人的膳食质量,通过推进社会化养老体系建设等措施,使农村老年人能够享有高质量的晚年生活。

Abstract: Currently, the phenomenon of the elderly living alone is widespread in rural China, and the problem of low dietary quality is prominent. The data of Chinese Rural Revitalization Survey of 10 provinces in 2020 are used to analyze the impact of living arrangements on the dietary quality of rural elderly. Besides, a model of two-way intergenerational interaction is constructed to illustrate this problem. The empirical results show that the living arrangement significantly affected the dietary quality, compared with living alone, living together with sons and daughters reduced the level of dietary quality of the elderly instead of improving it. After controlling and testing the endogenous problem with instrumental variables, the results were still robust. The influence mechanism behind it can be explained by the two-way intergenerational interaction of parents and offspring. Intergenerational tilt and exploitation were the important influence channel for the dietary quality decline of the rural elderly. Moreover, the heterogeneity analysis of divided samples found that living alone can improve the dietary quality of rural elderly who are younger, married and male. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure and improve the dietary quality of the rural elderly with different living arrangement. By promoting the construction of a socialized elderly care system and other measures, the rural elderly can enjoy
high-quality life.


[V1] 2024-06-14 15:07:40 PSSXiv:202406.00385V1 下载全文
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