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Empirical Analysis of Influence of Non-Grain Agricultural Land Transfer on Land Cost of Grain Production

摘要:          粮食生产土地成本持续走高成为既定事实,且土地快速流转与土地成本上涨呈相同趋势。基于粮食品种层面的 885 个宏观数据,将土地流转分为粮食化土地流转和非粮化土地流转,实证分析非粮化土地流转对粮食生产土地成本(流转地租金和自营地折租)的影响。研究表明,非粮化土地流转显著负向影响粮食生产的土地成本、流转地租金和自营地折租,而粮食化土地流转则显著正向影响粮食生产的土地成本和流转地租金,对自营地折租的影响不显著。机制分析表明,非粮化土地流转分别提高了土地流转中采用股份合作方式的比重及土地流转中土地流入合作社的比重,从而降低了粮食生产的土地成本。因此,需适当调控两类土地流转的比重,土地流转的种植结构不能“一刀切”;同时,支持各地区通过组织创新推进股份合作方式的土地流转,并发挥好新型农业经营主体中合作社的作用。结论为有效降低粮食生产土地成本提供实证依据。

Abstract:       It has become an fact that the cost of land for grain production is continously increasing, and the transfer of agricultural land and the rise of land cost show the same trend. Based on 885 macro data at the level of grain varieties, the transfer of agricultural land is divided into grain agricultural land transfer and non-grain agricultural land transfer, and the impact of non-grain agricultural land transfer on land cost (grain production land rent and self-camp rent) is empirically analyzed. The results shows that the transfer of non-grain  agricultural land has a significantly negative effect on the land cost, land rent and camp rent of grain production, while the transfer of grain-based agricultural land significantly affects the land cost and land rent of grain production, and has no significant impact on camp rent. The mechanism analysis reveals that the transfer of non-grain agricultural land increases the proportion of share cooperation in the transfer of agricultural land respectively, and the proportion of agricultural land flowing into cooperatives in the transfer of agricultural land, thus reducing the land cost of grain production. Therefore, it is necessary to properly regulate the proportion of these two types of agricultural land transfer, and the planting structure of agricultural land transfer should not be "one size fits all". At the same time, each region promotes the transfer of agricultural cooperation through organizational innovation, and gives full play to the role of cooperatives in new agricultural operators. The
results provide the empirical basis for effectively reducing the land cost for grain production.


[V1] 2024-06-21 15:30:21 PSSXiv:202406.00490V1 下载全文
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