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Realism and Imagination: Annotations and Textual Research on Du Fu's Beyond the Frontiers,First Series and Beyond the Frontiers,Second Series

摘要: 《前出塞》和《后出塞》的创作时间旧注多有歧说,根据内容判断这两组诗当作于安禄山起兵到关中失陷之前,两组诗歌的创作时间相隔不远。突发的战事引起了杜甫对出塞、军事等问题的反省。杜甫放下士大夫的身份意识,自觉地站在从军者的立场上叙述出塞的经历,深入探寻出塞作战的心路历程,并对当时流行的建功受赏传统观念作了冷静的反思,对战争的真相做出了直接判断,这是杜甫对乐府诗歌艺术特色和社会功能的独特理解。旧注认为《前出塞》是为哥舒翰备吐蕃而发的,这一观点值得商榷。如果按照诗史互证的思路来推求,杜甫笔下的出塞指向是西州为中心的安西北庭区域。但是杜甫本人从未有过出塞西域的从军经历,友人岑参从军西域的经历及其所作诗歌,可能对他合理掌握写实与想象之间的艺术张力提供了借鉴。

Abstract: Du Fu's Beyond the Frontiers,First Series and Beyond the Frontiers,Second Series were both created before the period from the An Lushan Rebellion to the occupation of central Shaanxi. Their time of creation is close. The sudden warfare of the rebellion caused Du Fu to reflect on such issues as leaving home to garrison the frontiers and military affairs. In the poems,Du Fu forsook his identity of a scholar-official and consciously depicted the experience of marching out to the frontiers from the standpoint of a soldier,and he explored the psychological process for going to war on the frontiers. In addition,he soberly examined the popular and conventional concept of scoring achievements and winning rewards,and directly judged the truth of war. All this embodies Du Fu's unique understanding of the artistic features and social functions of yue-fu poetry. Previous annotations which believe that Beyond the Frontiers,First Series were created for Ge Shuhan who defeated the Tibetan regime are disputable. If we verify between poems and historical records,we may find that the frontiers meant by Du Fu refer to the Anxi-Beiting region with Xizhou as its center. Du Fu himself had never marched to garrison in the Western Regions. His friend Censhen's military experience in the Western Regions and the poems he created were useful guidance for him to grasp the artistic tension between realism and imagination.


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