摘要: “五四宪法”是中华人民共和国第一部社会主义类型的宪法,具有治国安邦的总章程的地位和功能。“五四宪法”以《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》为基础, 又是《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》的发展,实现了从“立国安邦”向“治国安邦”的拓展。“五四宪法”作为治国安邦的总章程, 体现在文本及其实践上。“八二宪法”以“五四宪法”为基础,赓续了“五四宪法”的基本原则与精神。进入新时代,我国在“治国安邦的总章程”基础上丰富了“治国理政”的新内涵,形成了新时代通过宪法 “治国理政”的新理念。“五四宪法”联结了“立国安邦”“治国安邦”“治国理政”宪法理念,其基本精神已经融入到新中国宪法发展的历史进程之中,涵养着新时代中国宪法实践。
Abstract: The “1954 Constitution” is the first socialist-type constitution of the People’s Republic of China, and has the status and function of the general charter for ruling and securing the state. Based on and developing the Common Program of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, the “1954 Constitution” had successfully expanded from “founding and securing the state” to “ruling and securing the state” . The “1954 Constitution”, as the general charter for ruling and securing the state, is embodied in its text and practice. The “1982 Constitution”, which is based on the “1954 Constitution”, continues the basic principles and spirit of the “1954 Constitution” . Entering a new era, China has enriched the new connotation of “governance” on the basis of the “general charter for ruling and securing the state”, and formed a new concept of “governance” of constitution for a new era. The spirit of the “1954 Constitution” has been integrated into the historical process of the development of the Chinese Constitution, combining “founding and securing the state”, “ruling and securing the state” and “governance”, and has been nourishing the constitutional practice in China in a new era.
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