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Measurement and International Comparison of the Division of Labor of China’s Manufacturing Industry under Global Value Chain Reconstruction

摘要: 全球价值链(GVC)重构背景下,如何明确中国制造业GVC分工地位的现实短板及动态变化,以在新一轮全球产业竞争中保持新的竞争优势。本文基于出口贸易增加值分解模型,利用OECD-ICIO数据库(2023)数据,测度了2000—2020年中国制造业整体及分行业的GVC地位,并进行了国际比较。研究发现:(1)虽然中国制造业出口结构在优化,在GVC中的地位有所上移,但仍无法扭转分工地位相对较低的局面。(2)中国制造业当前正处于GVC分工地位提升的阵痛期,劳动力的绝对低廉和技术的绝对高度均无优势。(3)从国际比较视角来看,无论是在金砖国家还是G7国家之间,中国制造业尚未摆脱“低端锁定”的困境,GVC分工地位仍存在较大的提升空间。因此,中国应重点关注与优势国家的发展差距,充分利用国内市场和内需优势,加大对“卡脖子”技术攻关的力度,找准提升GVC分工地位的路径。

Abstract: How to clarify the current shortcomings and dynamic changes in the division of labor of GVC of China’s manufacturing industry under the global value chain (GVC) restructuring to maintain a new competitive advantage in the new round of global industrial competition? This paper utilizes the export trade value-added decomposition model and data from the OECD-ICIO database (2023) to measure the GVC position of China’s manufacturing industry as a whole and by industries from 2000 to 2020, with international comparisons conducted. The study finds that (1) although the
export structure of China’s manufacturing industry is being optimized and its position in GVC is rising, it is still unable to reverse the relatively low division of labor position; (2) the Chinese manufacturing industry is currently experiencing challenges in elevating its GVC division of labor position, facing no advantages in both the absolute low cost of labor and the absolute high level of technology; (3) from an international comparison perspective, whether in BRICS or G7 countries, China’s manufacturing industry has not yet broken free from the "low-end lock-in" dilemma, leaving signifi cant room for improvement in its GVC division of labor position. Therefore, China should focus on the development gap with advantageous countries, fully leverage domestic market and domestic demand advantages, intensify eff orts on tackling "bottleneck" technologies, and fi nd paths to elevate its GVC division of labor position.


[V1] 2024-09-10 10:02:50 PSSXiv:202409.00570V1 下载全文
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