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贸易壁垒与全球价值链参与的研究进展与展望——基于 CiteSpace 可视化知识图谱分析


Research Progress and Prospect of Trade Barriers and Global Value Chain Participation - Visual Knowledge Graph Analysis Based on CiteSpace

摘要: 贸易壁垒与全球价值链参与度的影响对于提高中国全球价值链参与度具有重要意义。本文运用CiteSpace可视化软件,以WOS数据库和CNKI数据库中收录的文献为研究对象,研究中外文贸易壁垒与全球价值链参与度领域文献发表情况与发表区域,并对该领域的研究热点进行分析。结果表明:(1)研究该主题的学者大多来自中国,目前美国和中国是研究贸易壁垒与全球价值链热度最高的国家;(2)在中英文贸易壁垒与全球价值链研究关键词频次最高的前十位中,外文对全球价值链研究较多,中文对贸易壁垒研究较多。结合贸易壁垒与全球价值链研究所呈现的研究现状,未来研究应加强学者及机构间的联系,并紧跟现实推进贸易壁垒和全球价值链的测算方法统一,促进全球价值链参与度的提升。

Abstract: It is of great significance to study the impact of trade barriers on global value chain (GVC) participation to improve China’s GVC participation. In this paper, we use CiteSpace visualization software to study the literature published in the field of trade barriers and global value chain participation in foreign languages and the regions of literature in the field of trade barriers and global value chain participation, and analyze the research hotspots in this field. The results show that: (1) most of the scholars studying this topic are from China, and the United States and China are the countries with the highest research on trade barriers and global value chains; (2) among the top ten with the highest frequency of keywords in Chinese and English trade barriers and global value chains, there are more studies on global value chains in foreign languages and more research on trade barriers in Chinese. Considering the research status of trade barriers and global value chain research, future research should strengthen the connection between scholars and institutions, and closely follow the reality to promote the unification of measurement methods of trade barriers and global value chains, so as to promote the improvement of global value chain participation.


[V1] 2024-09-06 15:59:40 PSSXiv:202409.00594V1 下载全文
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