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The Path to a Better Life for the People: Research Context, Key Issues, and Future Analytical Approaches of China’s Cultural Tourism and Leisure Consumption Since the 21st Century

摘要: 党的二十届三中全会强调,聚焦提高人民生活品质,推动人的全面发展。发展文旅休闲消费是扩大内需、实现高质量发展的内在要求,也是提高人民生活品质、满足人民美好生活需要的重要途径。21世纪以来,我国文旅休闲消费研究领域呈现出小步发展(2012年以前)、快速增长(2012—2015年)和高位波动(2016—2023年)三个阶段的研究脉络;主要涉及文旅休闲消费与区域经济增长的互动关系,后现代主义语境下的文旅休闲消费与社会分层及认同建构,文旅休闲的消费深度融合,数字经济对文旅休闲消费的创新引领和共同富裕、乡村振兴背景下文旅休闲消费的普惠性扩展五大关键议题。未来研究至少可从多尺度空间与区域协调发展、社会分层的消除与文化资本的均等化、数字技术驱动的文旅休闲消费变革与体验经济、共同富裕与文旅休闲消费的社会公平与普惠性等四条分析路径展开分析。

Abstract: The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China emphasized the need to focus on improving people’s quality of life and promoting their all-round development. Developing cultural tourism and leisure consumption is an inherent requirement for expanding domestic demand and achieving high-quality development, as well as an important way to enhance people’s quality of life and meet their needs for a better life. Since the 21st century, research on cultural tourism and leisure consumption in China has exhibited three stages: gradual development (before 2012), rapid growth (2012-2015), and high-level fluctuations (2016-2023). The research mainly involves five key issues: the interactive relationship between cultural tourism and leisure consumption and regional economic growth; cultural tourism and leisure consumption, social stratification, and identity construction in the context of postmodernism; the deep integration of cultural tourism and leisure consumption; the innovative leadership of the digital economy in cultural tourism and leisure consumption; and the inclusive expansion of cultural tourism and leisure consumption in the context of common prosperity and rural revitalization. Future research can be conducted from at least four analytical perspectives: multi-scale spatial and regional coordinated development; the elimination of social stratification and the equalization of cultural capital; the transformation of cultural tourism and leisure consumption driven by digital technology and the experience economy; and social equity and inclusiveness of cultural tourism and leisure consumption in the context of common prosperity.


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