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New Engine of the Digital Cultural Industry: Pioneering New Chapters of High-quality Development in Shanxi

摘要: 山西不仅是一个煤炭资源大省,还是一个历史文化悠久和文化资源丰富的地区,拥有丰富的文化遗产,孕育了众多的历史名人、保留了独特的文化传统,并见证了诸多重要历史事件,这些对于山西来说都具有重要的历史价值。数字文化产业是新兴的战略性产业,对山西经济的发展具有重要的推动作用。本文通过梳理国内外与文化产业、数字文化产业相关的文献资料,结合山西实际,针对数字文化产业在山西发展中存在的主要问题,从创造良好的发展环境、加强数字基础设施建设、促进产业融合发展、培育创新人才、强化科技创新、加强市场推广和品牌建设六个方面提出对策建议,以期数字文化产业能够成为山西高质量发展的动力之一。

Abstract: Shanxi is not only a major coal resource province but also a region with a long history and rich cultural resources. It boasts abundant cultural heritage, has given rise to numerous historical figures, preserves unique cultural traditions, and has witnessed many significant historical events, all of which hold substantial historical value for the province. The digital cultural industry emerges as a strategic emerging sector that plays a crucial role in driving economic development in Shanxi. By reviewing relevant domestic and foreign literature on cultural industries and digital cultural industries, considering the realities of Shanxi, this paper addresses key challenges impeding the digital cultural industry's development in the region. It proposes corresponding measures and suggestions from six perspectives: Fostering an enabling environment for development; enhancing digital infrastructure; promoting industrial integration; cultivating innovative talents; strengthening scientifi c and technological innovation; bolstering market promotion eff orts and brand building. These measures aim to position the digital cultural industry as one of the driving forces propelling high-quality
development in Shanxi.


[V1] 2024-09-13 10:25:03 PSSXiv:202409.00932V1 下载全文
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