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Yin Shui Si Yuan:Fostering a Strong Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation through Water Conservancy Construction:Based on Field Investigation in Southern Xinjiang

摘要: 水资源是影响干旱区民族发展和群体关系的关键因素,生活在新疆南疆的民族群体在生产生活实践中形成独特的生存智慧与饮水思源文化。中华人民共和国成立后,在国家力量的推动下,边疆地区的水利建设进程加快,惠及各族人民,在改善民生中凝聚了人心。当代水利建设使传统饮水思源文化的内涵更加丰富,既是衔接中华文明传统与现代、物质与精神的纽带,也是中国式现代化中一个地区和一个民族都不能少的共同富裕本质要求的体现。这种基于民众日常生活、在群体发展实践中自然形成并不断强化的内在情感认同,对铸牢中华民族共同体意识具有特殊意义。

Abstract: Water resources are a key factor affecting the development of ethnic groups and group relationships in arid areas,ethnic groups living in southern Xinjiang have formed unique survival wisdom and a concept of
Yin Shui Si Yuan in their production and life practices. After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China,with the promotion of national power,the process of water conservancy construction in border areas accelerated,benefiting all ethnic groups and rallying people’s hearts in improving people’s livelihoods. The development of contemporary water conservancy construction has enriched the cultural connotation of the traditional Yin Shui Si Yuan,which is not only the link between the tradition and modernity,the materiality and spirituality of Chinese civilization, but also the embodiment of the essential requirement of common prosperity that a region and a nation cannot lack in Chinese path to modernization. This kind of internal emotional identity, which is based on the daily life of the people and naturally formed and continuously strengthened in the practice of group development, has special significance for fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.


[V1] 2024-09-03 16:24:49 PSSXiv:202409.01033V1 下载全文
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