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Research on the Impact of Fintech on the High-quality Development of Regional Economy

摘要: 在数字化转型背景下,金融科技逐渐成为支撑区域经济发展的新质生产力。本文在阐述国内外关于金融科技及其对经济影响研究的基础上,结合安徽省产业结构、经济社会现状及发展规划,探讨了金融科技对区域经济转型发展的促进与抑制作用。安徽省金融科技近年来蓬勃发展,强化了区域经济活力、金融普惠性及公平监管,也从数据与隐私安全风险、体制机制与运营能力不足等方面带来新的问题与挑战。本文研究认为,安徽省应进一步加大金融科技扶持力度,从政策、产品、监管等方面进行系统性优化,促进科技创新与金融、产业之间均衡与协同发展,如:(1)加强前瞻性战略规划与针对性政策调控,从财政、税务、审批、监管等方面及时提供全生命周期政策适配;(2)积极培育新服务场景与新产品,鼓励金融科技发展业态与模式创新;(3)提升金融科技的公平正义与社会属性,平衡好发展与监管之间关系,支撑经济持久性高质量稳定发展。

Abstract: In the context of digital transformation, fintech has gradually become a new quality productive force supporting regional economic development. On the basis of elaborating on domestic and international research on fi ntech and its impact on the economy, this paper explores the role of fi ntech in promoting and restraining regional economic transformation based on the industrial structure, economic and social status, and development plan of Anhui Province. In recent years, Anhui Province's fi ntech has fl ourished, strengthening regional economic vitality, fi nancial inclusiveness, and fair regulation. However, it has also brought new challenges such as data and privacy security risks, inadequate institutional mechanisms, and operational capabilities. This paper suggests that Anhui Province should further intensify its fi ntech support eff orts, systematically optimize policies, products, and regulation, to promote balanced and coordinated development between technological innovation and fi nance and industry. For example, the province should implement the following measures: 1) Strengthen forward-looking strategic planning and targeted policy regulation, and timely provide supporting policies throughout the life cycle regarding fi nance, taxation, approval, and regulation; 2) Actively cultivate new service scenarios and products, encourage innovation in the development of fi ntech formats and models; 3) Enhance the fairness, justice, and social attributes of fi ntech, and balance the relationship between development and regulation, to support sustained, high-quality, and stable economic development.


[V1] 2024-09-13 11:04:01 PSSXiv:202409.01175V1 下载全文
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