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Questions beyond Expectation: Appropriate Response and Multidimensional Views Based on the Stance of the New Curriculum

摘要: 学生在课堂等交流场合,发出超乎教者预期且一时难解的疑问,可选用以下策略适切应对:机智回应,幽默解“困”,待尽快弄清答案予以补答;借机逗兴,组织讨论,现场生成相应知识。更为重要的是,遭遇此类问题,先须持有基于新课程理路的正确立场:面对学生质疑,可顺势播下求异、逆向、批判等发散思维种子,培养其问题意识、探究能力和创新精神;因学生发问而露拙,正是教师弥补专业不足、提升人格修养的难得契机;且教师应激求解、师生协作答疑具有践行圣哲教诲、促使德能并进、推动角色转换、点亮生活底色、加强实践效能和实现校内减负提质等多重意蕴。故非但不必或怨或怒加以拒斥,相反,要向质疑者报以满满的赏识和妥妥的感激。   

Abstract: in view of questions beyond a teacher’s expectation and difficult to answer at the moment proposed by students in class and the like, it may be advisable for the teacher to adopt the following strategies: responding to them wittily and humorously, figuring out the answers as soon as possible; taking the opportunity to enliven the atmosphere, instructing the students to carry out discussion so as to figure out the answers on site. More importantly, in view of such questions, it is necessary to take a correct stance advocated by the new curriculum theory: it may be advisable to take advantage of the opportunity to cultivate the ability of divergent thinking, such as seeking differences, reverse thinking and critical thinking, consciousness of problems, inquiry ability and innovation spirit of students; a teacher’s weakness will be betrayed by questions raised by students, which provides a rare opportunity for the teacher to make up for his/her professional deficiencies and improve his/her personality accomplishment; in addition, that a teacher is urged to find out the answer to a question by making joint efforts with students can play a positive role in practicing the teachings of sages, facilitating moral integrity and ability, promoting role switching, leading a more colorful class life, improving practical efficiency, and burden alleviation for students and improved education quality of schools. Therefore, teachers are required to appreciate and feel grateful to those who raise questions rather than criticize them with resentment or anger.


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