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Reflections on the Composition of the Theoretical System of Community for the Chinese Nation

摘要: 构建中华民族共同体理论体系是体现学术自主、理论自信的具体表现,也是实现中华民族伟大复兴的需要。中华民族共同体理论体系包括中华民族共同体本体理论、铸牢中华民族共同体意识理论和中华民族共同体建设理论。中华民族共同体本体是事实,中华民族共同体意识是观念,中华民族共同体建设是实践。观念反映事实,观念推动建设实践,实践推动本体的发展,从而形成本体——意识——实践的能动循环,助推本体的发展。铸牢中华民族共同体意识不是一般意义上的意识对本体的反映,而是通过主动“铸牢”,能动地推进中华民族共同体建设,生动体现着中国共产党在中华民族共同体建设上的责任与使命担当。

Abstract: The composition of the theoretical system of community for the Chinese nation is the concrete embodiment of academic autonomy and theoretical self-confidence,and it is also the need to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The theoretical system of community for the Chinese nation includes the
ontology theory of community for the Chinese nation,the theory of building the consciousness of community for the Chinese nation and the theory of building community for the Chinese nation. The ontology of community for the Chinese nation is a fact, the consciousness of community for the Chinese nation is an idea, and the construction of community for the Chinese nation is a practice. Concept reflects facts, concept promotes construction practice, and practice promotes ontology development, thus forming a dynamic cycle of ontology—consciousness—practice and boosting development. Concept and its construction initiative reflect the subjective consciousness and actions of the Chinese nation and its contemporary leadership core.“Solidifying” the consciousness of community for the Chinese nation is not a reflection of the general sense of consciousness on the noumenon,but actively promotes the construction of community for the Chinese nation by“solidifying”, vividly embodying the Communist Party of China (CPC) ’s responsibility and mission in the construction of community for the Chinese nation.


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