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The Common Prosperity Logic and Practical Approach in the Strategy of“Strong Provincial Capital”

摘要: 集聚经济的发展在一定条件下能向周边城市溢出,实现区域共同发展。“强省会”战略是促进集聚的有效方式,可以发挥中心城市的集聚引领性和对区域发展的辐射带动性,通过培育区域发展增长极来推进区域经济协调发展,最终实现区域共同富裕。可见共同富裕是“强省会”战略的重要导向,而“强省会”战略是共同富裕的有力支撑。“强省会”战略促进区域共同富裕要在社会主义市场经济体制下,构建渐次性富裕的时空逻辑、新空间赋能的联合逻辑、公平效率的市场化逻辑构成的整体性框架,路径上围绕“以人为核心的新型城镇化”目标,在渐次性富裕发展道路中以人的流动优化时空正义,拓展人口流规模,优化流要素形态,以有效市场和有为政府的统一推进效率与公平的优化。

Abstract: The development of agglomeration economies can spill over to surrounding cities under certain conditions, achieving mutual regional development. The strong provincial capital strategy serves as an effective means to promote agglomeration, leveraging the leading role of central cities in aggregation and the radiating driving force for regional development. Through fostering regional growth poles, it promotes coordinated regional economic development, ultimately achieving common prosperity in the region. It can be seen that common prosperity is the important orientation of the strong provincial capital strategy, and the strategy itself serves as the strong support for common prosperity. To promote common prosperity in the region through the strong provincial capital strategy, it is necessary to construct an integrated framework consisting of the temporal logic of gradual prosperity, the joint logic of empowering new spaces, and the market logic of fairness and efficiency under the socialist market economy system. Along the path, it revolves around the goal of new urbanization centered on people, optimizing spatial justice through the flow of people, expanding the scale of population flow, optimizing the form of flow factors, and promoting efficiency and fairness through the unified efforts of an efficient market and an active government.


[V2] 2024-06-27 16:25:21 PSSXiv:202406.00383V2 下载全文
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