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Public Data Openness and Urban-Rural Residents’ Income Growth: Evidence from the Government Data Open Platform

摘要: 基于中国地级城市政府推行实施公共数据平台上线的准自然实验,分析公共数据开放对城乡居民收 入的积极影响效应。研究表明:政府公共数据开放显著促进了城乡居民可支配收入以及收入增长水平的提 升,而且对农村居民的收入增长率促进效应相对更大;机制分析表明,公共数据开放通过促进贸易货物要素流通,加快居民就业结构转换促进城乡收入增长;异质性分析表明,公共数据开放对中西部城乡收入增长率的提升效应更为显著。此外,数据开放对南北地区的城乡收入增长率虽然都具有显著提升效果,但仅仅改善了南方地区的城乡收入协调增长水平。基于此,地方政府应充分认识公共数据开放的巨大经济价值,提高公共数据资源使用的便捷、高效和合法性,让数字经济红利惠及民众;深度挖掘公共数据开放为我国中西部开发带来的数字机遇和数字红利,以生产要素顺畅流通促进城乡居民就业转型,激活创业细胞,促进城乡居民增收;准确把握公共数据开放对南北地区的效果差异,推动公共数据多样化供给;积极释放公共数据的社会福利价值, 借此促进城乡居民增收与城乡居民收入协调增长。

Abstract: The coordinated realization of “sustained and stable economic growth” and “urban-rural harmo⁃ nious development” constitutes a pivotal element in achieving common prosperity and aligns with the policy objectives of the Chinese government. This paper leverages a quasi-natural experiment involving the implementation of public data platforms by local governments in Chinese prefecture-level cities to as⁃ sess the positive impact of public data openness on urban-rural residents’ income. The findings indicate that government public data openness significantly boosts the disposable income and income growth levels of both urban and rural residents, exerting a more pronounced effect on the income growth rate of rural resi⁃ dents. Mechanism analysis reveals that public data openness facilitates urban-rural income growth by en⁃ hancing the flow of trade goods factors and expediting the transformation of employment structures. Het⁃ erogeneity analysis further demonstrates that public data openness exerts a more significant effect on the in⁃ come growth rate of urban and rural areas in the central and western regions. Moreover, while data open⁃ ness markedly improves income growth rates in both southern and northern regions, it solely enhances co⁃ ordinated income growth between urban and rural areas in the southern region. Thus, local governments should fully realize the substantial economic value of public data openness, and improve the convenience, efficiency, and legality of public data resource utilization so as to ensure that all the residents can benefit from the advantages of the digital economy; they should thoroughly explore the digital opportunities and dividends by public data openness to the advancement of the central and western regions of China, thereby fostering the seamless flow of production factors, promoting employment transformation for urban and ru⁃ ral residents, invigorating entrepreneurial activities, and driving income increase of urban and rural resi⁃ dents; they should accurately grasp the differential effects of public data openness in the southern and northern regions and promote a diversified supply of public data; and they should actively unlock the social welfare value of public data, thus foster the income growth and coordinated income growth between urban and rural residents.


[V1] 2024-08-22 16:54:26 PSSXiv:202408.01396V1 下载全文
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