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Study on Countermeasures of Coordinated Regional Economic Development within Guizhou Province

摘要: 贵州省地处中国西南内陆地区,为了扭转地区发展滞后的局面,在基础建设投资的带动下,贵州省交通面貌得到持续改善,并在第三产业和科学技术的支持下实现了快速发展;但是受贵州省山地地形等自然条件制约,省内经济发展仍面临区域发展不均衡、不充分问题。当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局,新一轮的科技革命和产业变革深入发展。在此背景下,文章旨在对当前贵州省内区域经济协调发展现状进行分析,以泰尔指数对区域内差异程度进行评价,立足国家经济大循环,以贵州省各区域资源优势为依托提出发展思路,通过围绕粤黔深度合作,融入粤港澳经济发展实现地区经济交流和对外开放水平;立足区域创新,展开数字经济应用发展;打造区域城市群和都市圈,为助力实现地区经济改善发展提供参考路径。

Abstract: Today, the world is experiencing a great change that has not been seen in a century, and a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change is developing in depth. Located in the inland area of southwestern China, Guizhou Province has realized rapid development in various fields, particularly in infrastructure, third industries, and technology. However, due to the constraints of the mountainous terrain and other local conditions, Guizhou Province still faces issues of unbalanced and insuffi cient development. The paper aims to analyze the current status of coordinated regional economic development within Guizhou Province using the Theil index to evaluate the degree of regional disparity. Based on the national economic circulation, it draws upon regional resource advantages to propose development strategies. These strategies include deep cooperation with Guangdong, integration into the economic development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to enhance regional economic exchanges and openness, promoting the application of digital economy, and building regional city clusters and metropolitan areas. These recommendations aim to provide referential paths to improving regional economic development.


[V1] 2024-09-14 10:43:03 PSSXiv:202409.00899V1 下载全文
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