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Data sovereignty=数据主权吗?——基于文献挖掘与概念重构的发现


Is the Conceptual Understanding of Data sovereignty Consistent in Chinese and English Contexts? Findings Based on Literature Mining and Conceptual Reconstruction

摘要: [目的/意义]作为一个跨国界、跨学科、跨领域的舶来、新兴、交叉、热点概念,“数据主权”已形成丰富的研究图景。然而,中文语境下的“数据主权”与英文语境下“data sovereignty”是否指称的是同一事物,亟待进行追根溯源与正本清源。国内现有研究将中文语境下的“数据主权”与英文语境下“data sovereignty”直接划等号,但二者是否指称的是同一事物,亟待进行追根溯源与正本清源。[方法/过程]文章以CNKI和Web of Science为基础检索数据库,对国内外关于数据主权的核心文献进行可视化文献回顾与概念重构。[结果/结论]“Data sovereignty”与“数据主权”在概念的指称、范围、主体、客体等方面具有较大差异性,二者不可直接等同。前者是指国家、组织或个人对其所产生、收集、存储和处理的数据拥有的权利和选择权、控制权,其可以适用于从个体用户到整个社会和国家等多利益相关方的一系列代理;而国内语境下的数据主权则是对传统“主权”概念的延申,权能由国家主体行使。未来,我国应加强检验数据主权在不同场景、不同主体层面上的不同意义及其适用性,以此更好地与国际社会接轨与对话,打破“鸡同鸭讲”的交流困境,开辟新的学术进路。

Abstract: [Purpose/significance] As an imported, emerging, cross-cutting and hot concept across borders, disciplines and fields, ‘data sovereignty’ has formed a rich research landscape. However, existing domestic studies directly equate ‘data sovereignty’ in foreign contexts with ‘data sovereignty’ in domestic contexts, and there is an urgent need to restate this misunderstanding. [Method/process] Using China Knowledge and Web of Science as the basic search databases, the article conducts a visual literature review, conceptual restatement and conceptual reconstruction of the core literature on data sovereignty at home and abroad. [Results/conclusion] The foreign ‘Data sovereignty’ and the domestic ‘Data sovereignty’ are different in terms of conceptual designation, scope, subject and object, etc., and they are not directly equivalent to each other. In the future, China should strengthen the examination of the different meanings and applicability of data sovereignty in different scenarios and at the level of different subjects, so as to better connect and dialogue with the international community, break the communication dilemma of ‘talking like a chicken’, and open up a new academic way forward.


[V1] 2024-10-11 22:27:12 PSSXiv:202410.00827V1 下载全文
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