The Essence of Leadership
摘要: 国内学界多将Leadership译为“领导力”,并对其衍生组合概念加以泛化且随意地使用,如教育领域中Educational Leadership,Principle Leadership及Teachers Leadership。既有研究鲜见对Leadership词源和文化视角的严谨考量,不仅无法把握其本质,也引发本土“领导力”研究的歧义模糊。鉴于leadership首义非单一的丰富性,未来相关探讨需结合具体领域或情境对其合理释解。中国领导力的探讨应超越leadership的窠臼,整合本土“领导”与“力”的经典意涵开展知识创新与实践应用。
Abstract: Leadership has been a hot-word on many fields in academic circles, with its derivational concepts generalization and using at random. Most of literature of the topic mainly translates leadership into 领导力 and discusses educational leadership, Principle leadership and teacher Leadership etc. But existing researches lack of etymology and cultural perspectives of leadership exploration so as to lose its essence but also make 领导力ambiguous and confusing. In views of non-homogeneous and richness meanings of leadership,Future research on the topic needs to care about the concrete field or context to make reasonable explanation. Researches on Chinese Leading Force should surpass stereotype of Leadership, base on guwen力to create knowledge creation and real application.
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