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From Cultural Differences to Institutional Discrimination: Analyzing Barriers to Social Integration for Chinese Canadians

摘要: 在加拿大这个多元文化交织的社会中,华人群体虽然在各个领域中贡献良多,却依然频繁遭遇系统性歧视,阻碍其全面融入社会。本研究从文化差异、种族偏见、社会结构及历史政策等多个维度深入剖析了华人面临的歧视现象及其深层次原因。研究发现,文化差异引发的误解、历史遗留的种族偏见以及社会结构的不公平共同构成了华人群体在职场、教育和住房等方面遭遇歧视的根源。此外,长期的歧视对华人的心理健康和社区凝聚力造成了严重损害,进一步加剧了社会的分裂。针对这些问题,研究提出了从加强多元文化教育、完善反歧视法律到强化社区支持的综合性应对策略。通过这些措施,可以逐步消除歧视,促进华人群体的社会融入,为构建一个更加公平、包容和谐的加拿大社会奠定基础。本研究不仅丰富了对多元文化社会中歧视现象的理解,也为制定有效的反歧视政策提供了理论依据和实践指导。

Abstract: In the multicultural tapestry of Canadian society, the Chinese community, despite its significant contributions across various sectors, frequently encounters systemic discrimination that hinders their full social integration. This study delves into the phenomena of discrimination faced by Chinese Canadians from multiple perspectives, including cultural differences, racial bias, social structures, and historical policies. The findings reveal that misunderstandings arising from cultural differences, entrenched racial prejudices from historical contexts, and structural inequities collectively contribute to the discrimination encountered by the Chinese community in the workplace, education, and housing sectors. Moreover, prolonged discrimination has severely impacted the psychological well-being and community cohesion of Chinese Canadians, further exacerbating social fragmentation. To address these issues, the study proposes comprehensive strategies, ranging from enhancing multicultural education and refining anti-discrimination laws to strengthening community support. Implementing these measures can progressively eliminate discrimination and promote the social integration of Chinese Canadians, thereby laying the foundation for a more equitable, inclusive, and harmonious Canadian society. This research not only enriches the understanding of discrimination in multicultural societies but also provides theoretical and practical guidance for developing effective anti-discrimination policies.


[V3] 2024-09-14 10:59:01 PSSXiv:202408.00574v3 查看此版本 下载全文
[V2] 2024-08-31 13:40:40 PSSXiv:202408.00574v2 查看此版本 下载全文
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